Tuesday, January 6, 2009


My status right now should be 'Trying to Return to India'. I say trying coz I think I suffer from 'US-expectations' effect.

What job do I get? What is the work-culture like? What kind of salary do I expect? What about the expenses? What about a house, car, school? You see this is the state of my mind any given second. I suppose this ain't bad. Its a pretty big decision and I dwell over it a lot.

But each time I do, and I weigh the options of staying in US vs staying in India, the fact that my wife and I miss our folks always trumps the financial benefits. With Pattu in our lives, it becomes doubly more important to give her the same lovely upbringing that we had as kids.

The leads are trickling in and I hope my two month working-vacation gives me enough leads to head home.

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