Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bailout, the word appropriate for crooks!!

When you hear the word 'bail', you generally associate the term with criminals and crooks. And, that I think summarizes the government's effort to take the money from you and I and 'bail out' the crooks who screwed up big time. It seems if you fuck up spectacularly, you get rewarded. Also, if you maintain that the economy is wonderful until the last minute, and then go to congress and say it is a total disaster, you get rewarded 700 billion freak-in dollars. And, wait, that's not all, you actually get to spend to it without any supervision.

Jesus Christ, capitalistic when making money and socialistic, when you get to distribute pain, wonderful little plan we got here.

Yeah, go ahead folks, go vote Republicans in hoards and fuck up the country much more. What goes up gotta come down, I think it started happening about 8 years back...

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