Friday, September 12, 2008

Debate or Deception!!

Initially when I first got here from India, I was elated at a wonderful process to elect the President. It seems like the whole country was interviewing the person for a position. After having witnessed the one in 2000, 2004 and now this one, the entire questioning process is a waste of time and mere charade.

The issues at hand are so go damn complex where no one liners or one minuters could do justice. They always seem to have answers for every god damn question which is just impossible. Even the most intelligent person usually comes to an area where he has not framed his answer and would like to consult.

Specialized topic like Stem Cells to global issues of Global Warming, War, Poverty and very personal issues like religion and abortion, these folks seem to have the right answer in one minute.

By listening to their answers, we all are getting deceived. While all this is said and done, people however 'third-world' or 'first-world' they are seem to vote for the party and not the person. So, war-mongers who think war is right answer or think they are republican until they die would still vote for McCain and others may end up with Obama.

VP pick -- It certainly seems like the media wants to discuss more about the curveball of Palin than whether she would actually be a good VP.

All in all -- Politics never change. I am ready to debate about it and have just a minute to give you the right answer. Take it or leave it...

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