I happened to listen to three stories today on NPR from a collection at TheMoth.org. One of them from Ed Gavagan is on their featured listings. The stories told with no notes, prompts are told live in free form. When I sat down in the car, I had a short drive and the first one started playing. Within the first few minutes, I was so spell bound that I had to pull into a parking lot, turned off the engine and sat there listening to the next full hour.
I was just blown away by the shear eloquence of the story tellers, normal folks like you and I who could recite a deeply moving/funny/serious incident that occurred in their lives. If you have not heard about TheMoth.org, you are missing a great deal. Check'em out.

I was just blown away by the shear eloquence of the story tellers, normal folks like you and I who could recite a deeply moving/funny/serious incident that occurred in their lives. If you have not heard about TheMoth.org, you are missing a great deal. Check'em out.